Ultimate Solution in Penis Enlargement!

Penis Extension

By penile enlargement surgery, we solve the problems of people with sexual problems. With the principle of health first, we ensure that the individual is physiologically and psychologically ready for sexual life.

Penile Procedures

At Amerikan Aesthetic, we offer a range of procedures designed to address various concerns related to penile aesthetics. We understand that many individuals have diverse needs and preferences, and our expert surgeons are here to provide personalized solutions. Our procedures aim to enhance confidence and satisfaction while ensuring the highest standards of safety and care.

Penis Lengthening

One of the procedures we offer is penis lengthening. This procedure involves adjusting the suspensory ligament, which can create the appearance of increased length. It's important to note that this procedure typically results in a modest increase of about 1-2 inches. The surgery is relatively short, lasting 1-2 hours, and is often performed under general or spinal anesthesia. Additionally, pubis liposuction may be recommended to further enhance the appearance of length by removing fat around the pubic area.

Recovery and Aftercare

After the procedure, you can expect some discomfort and soreness, which can be managed with prescribed painkillers. Proper aftercare is crucial for optimal results:

  • Change surgical dressings regularly as advised by your surgeon.
  • Rest and avoid overexertion, especially in the first few days after surgery.
  • Gently massage the penis with vaseline to prevent nodules and asymmetry.
  • Maintain hygiene and avoid getting water on the treated area.
  • Avoid swimming, sports, and heavy lifting for at least a month.
  • Avoid sexual activity, including masturbation, for the first 6 weeks.
  • Results may take 3-6 months to become fully apparent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Penile Lengthening?

Individuals in good health who have concerns about their penis length may be suitable candidates for the procedure. Contact our experienced patient coordinators to determine your eligibility.

What is the Average Penis Length?

The average penis length varies between 5.1 and 5.5 inches, with some regional differences.

Hospital Stay and Recovery Time

You'll typically stay in the hospital overnight, and the total duration of your stay in Turkey for the procedure and recovery is around 6 days.

What's Included in the Surgery Package?

We provide several complimentary services for our patients:

  • VIP airport transfers
  • Hotel accommodation with breakfast
  • Transportation between hotel and hospital
  • Pre-op consultation and post-op checkups
  • Corsets and stockings if needed

Are the Results Permanent?

Yes, the results of penile lengthening are permanent.

Recovery Period

Recovery time varies based on your type of work. Strenuous activities should be avoided for about 6 weeks, and final results may be visible after 3-6 months.

Price of the Surgery

To get a price quote, you'll need to undergo a free consultation. Our patient coordinators will assess your eligibility and provide you with a quote.

Free Consultation Process

Our free consultation involves sharing your medical history and photos. Our patient advisors will review this information, and if approved, provide a quote for the procedure.

Why Choose Amerikan Aesthetic for Penile Procedures?

At Amerikan Aesthetic, patient well-being is our top priority. We offer experienced consultants, qualified medical staff, and state-of-the-art operating rooms. Our all-inclusive packages provide a seamless experience, including transportation, accommodation, and thorough aftercare.

Other Procedures for Men

Cosmetic procedures are not limited to women. Men also have a range of options to address various concerns:

  • Penile Fat Transfer: Using the patient's own fat to increase girth.
  • Liposuction: Removing stubborn fat deposits from various areas.
  • Six Pack Fat Transfer: Creating a defined appearance without excessive exercise.
  • Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, and Arm Lift: Combining liposuction with skin tightening.
  • Hair Transplant: Restoring hair growth on the scalp or facial areas.
  • Blepharoplasty: Correcting sagging skin around the eyes for a rejuvenated look.

Penis Fun Facts

Here are some interesting facts about penis size:

  • Studies suggest an average erect penis length of 5.1 to 5.5 inches.
  • Flaccid penis girth is around 3.66 inches; erect girth is about 4.6 inches.
  • 85% of people overestimate average penis size.
  • 95% of penises fall within the average range.
  • 5% of individuals have erect penis length of around 3.94 inches.
  • In a survey, 77% of respondents believed penis size matters.
  • 64% of women thought girth was more important than length.

Curiosities About Penis Extension

What is Penis Extension Aesthetics?
Which Methods Are Used for Penis Lengthening Aesthetics?
Who Are Suitable Candidates for Penis Extension?
When can I return to sexual intercourse after penile extension surgery?
How Much Does Penis Length Increase After Penis Extension?
What is the Effect of Penis Lengthening Surgery on Sexual Performance?
Which Anesthesia Method is Used for Penis Lengthening Surgery?
Do You Have Any Complicated Applications In Penis Aesthetics?
What is the General Age Range for Penis Aesthetics?

Ultimate Solution in Penis Enlargement!

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Ultimate Solution in Penis Enlargement!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ultimate Solution in Penis Enlargement!

Most Asked Questions

Operation Time
Time until return to work
Final Status
Length of hospital stay
1 Day
Full Recovery
1 Month
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Penis Extension
Ultimate Solution in Penis Enlargement!